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How To Grill The Perfect Steak

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I so wish I could take credit for teaching how to grill the perfect steak, but the truth is my dad is the hero of this post!

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

I have never, in my life, had a steak that tasted better than the steaks my dad grills.

Everyone in the family tries to out-grill my dad, but when it comes to steak, he is the grill whisperer!

Don’t believe me?

Try this out for yourself and come back and let me know how your steaks turn out!

Adding sauteed mushrooms and onions is something my dad just started doing a few years ago, but before that, we at them with nothing on them.

Oh, and steak sauce… fuhgeddaboudit!

You don’t add any sauce to dad’s steak! My dad always says, “A good steak doesn’t need anything to cover it up or hide the flavor.

The steak holds all the flavor you need!”.

How To Grill The Perfect Steak:

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

Step 1: Place your steaks in a 9×13 baking dish and start by rubbing your steak with pepper.

Don’t sprinkle; rub that bad boy! 

Then pour in your soy sauce.

It doesn’t take much, just enough to cover the steaks and the bottom of the dish.

Let marinate for 20-30 minutes.

While the steak is marinating, you can heat up your grill.

You want to get it to 275F.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

While the grill is heating up, go ahead and wash and slice your mushrooms and onions.

Even if you don’t like either, it’s worth trying!  

My dad will only eat onions he caramelizes, so if he can eat them, you may be able to as well.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

To saute’ your mushrooms and onions, you’re going to pour 2-3 Tbsp of olive oil into a pan and add your veggies.

Cook on med-high until onions are soft, then turn down to low and allow the onions to cook until caramelized.

Cooking with too much heat will lead to dried-out crispy onions.

That is not what we’re going for here.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

Once you have your grill at 275F, it’s time to put your steaks on!

It does not take long to cook steaks, so go ahead and plan to stay outside with them.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

To cook a rare steak, it will take you about 7 minutes.

Turning one time after 3 1/2 minutes.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

To cook a Med Rare Steak, it will take about 10 minutes, 5 minutes on each side.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

This was a medium well steak, which he typically never makes, but because of the kids, he cooked them a little longer.

He cooked these for about 14 minutes, flipping after 7.

When you cook your steaks, keep an eye on the temp and open the lid if it starts getting too hot.

You can also use your phone as a timer as you don’t want to overcook.

The longer you cook your steak, the tougher it will get. W

e like ’em medium rare!

Medium Well Steak

This is what they look like, but we normally like a lot more pink in ours.

Learn how to grill the perfect steak! Marinate in soy sauce, cook on low temps, and don't cook to long. It's really that easy! Don't believe me? Come check out our post on How To Grill The Perfect Steak and we'll make you believers!

Serve with this delicious Keto Garlic Baked Asparagus, and you’re all set for an incredible dinner!