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Sharing my keto journey with you is why I started this site.

I had no idea what to expect when I started this journey. I can’t tell you how much this site has changed my life.

For the first time ever, I considered myself a successful blogger. I also learned that I have ADHD, which quitting keto helped me realize (more on this later).

Because of the responsibility, I felt running this blog I decided to become both a certified personal trainer and a certified health coach. I’ve enjoyed spending time researching all the things health and fitness related. Nutrition is a passion of mine and that will never change.

Anyone who knows me can tell you I can spend hours talking keto or any diet for that matter. Thanks, ADHD.

Speaking of which, when I stopped keto I found that I wasn’t functioning at as high of capacity as I was when on the diet. Studies are showing that diet does affect keto so this could be promising info in helping people like me. It’s also important to note that unlike some people I never felt brain fog, which may be because my brain actually functions better on ketones.

I have learned a lot and am not afraid to admit that I have made mistakes along the way.

I have been attacked for some of my choices (I’m looking at you Keto Banana Walnut Bread) but I don’t regret one moment of this journey.

Keto Size Me Journey:

You’ll find my personal keto diet diary and meal plan. My keto weight loss results, and the things I experienced on the keto diet.

I talk about the keto flu, fat burning, and the long term effects of the keto lifestyle on my body.

I even share how to quit the ketogenic diet without gaining weight. You can reach your goal weight on keto and I would love to help you!

I am always looking for other success stories to share so please, share yours with me if you’d like.

Learn how to quit the keto diet without gaining weight. Many people try the keto diet and have great success but eventually want to add carbs back and don’t know how to without going overboard. If that is where you’re at, this post is for you. Last year I started working towards my fitness and …

Read More about How To Quit The Keto Diet Without Gaining Weight

Today I’m sharing 9 Problems With Low Carb Diets because I’m worried about you! Yes, you, the person who is living the keto lifestyle. The low-carb diet. The Atkins fan. Even you paleo lovers. We need to talk! Here are nine problems with low-carb diets. Be prepared; this WILL change your life. Problems with Low-Carb …

Read More about 9 Problems With Low Carb Diets: You’ve Been Warned

Today I want to take some time to share my story and tell you why I am Deciding To Live The Ketogenic Lifestyle. My First Weight Loss Experience: Since my first major weight loss experience, I have loved learning about the human body. When I lost weight after gaining 50lbs with my first two children, …

Read More about Deciding To Live The Ketogenic Lifestyle