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PX90 Review: Does the P90X Fitness Program Work

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PX90 Reviews - The P90X review you've been waiting for. See our thoughts on this workout program and decide for yourself!
Photo Credit: Beach Body

You’ve probably heard of Beachbody programs before because they sell an intense workout that gets everyone talking.

Today I’m sharing my review of Beachbody super trainer Tony Horton’s home workout program P90X.

Not going to lie to you; I still quote him with to loved ones. He’s funny and annoying, but he’s a personal trainer who gets better results than most!

From Beachbody:

  • P90X DVD WORKOUT PLAN: P90X includes 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts designed to help transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days.
  • CHALLENGE YOUR MUSCLES: Get lean, bulk up, or grow stronger with various mix-and-match routines. The muscle confusion technique accelerates the results process by constantly introducing new moves and routines so your body never plateaus.
  • 12 DVDs: Collection of 12 highly diverse and intense DVD workouts across 12 DVDs. P90X is perfect whether you want to support a healthier lifestyle or reach your fitness goals. No weight set, dumbbell set, or exercise equipment is required.
  • INCLUDES NUTRITION PLAN: Also includes a comprehensive nutrition plan, workout calendar, fitness guide, and How to Bring It DVD with an overview of the P90X system. Great for cardio training to get your heart rate up.
  • PERSONAL TRAINER Tony Horton will keep you engaged every step of the way. Great for all fitness levels. Supports your weight loss and muscle-building goals.

PX90 Reviews:

P90X is an excellent workout combining cardio, lifting, ab ripper x, and yoga workouts to give you a comprehensive fitness regimen.

Just like Body for Life, there are three lifting and three “cardio” workouts per week (one being yoga x), with a few others getting thrown into the mix for variety on different weeks.

I started this 90-day program because my workout schedule wasn’t meshing with my husband’s schedule. Trying to get up early to go to the gym wasn’t working for me, and I was desperate.

Compared to a gym membership, gas, and time, I think the price is worth it. This program offers a wide variety of exercises, lends itself to muscle confusion (vital for muscle growth), and beginners can start with bodyweight exercises.

P90X Fitness Guide
Photo Credit: Beach Body

PX90 Reviews: The Weight Lifting

The strength workouts are challenging and long the first time you watch them (if you follow the DVD).

Thankfully, they provide a comprehensive guide that lists and explains every exercise so that when you want to zoom through, you can follow the guide and watch TV or stare into space as you work.

The thing I focus on is the perfect form EVERY TIME!

The best way to make perfect form a habit is to think about the muscle you are working on while raising the weight. When you think about the target muscle, it helps engage the tissue. You’ll quickly notice if your form is incorrect because you won’t “feel” it in the target muscle, which causes a risk of injury.

For the best results, don’t focus on speed or heavy weights. Work on your mind-muscle connection to build a strong foundation.

If you feel like your overall fitness level isn’t where you want it to be, try this:

Grab the heaviest weight you can lift safely. Slowly lift it as many times as you can. Now lower the weight by five pounds and repeat. This is known as a drop-set.

Keep dropping the weight by five pounds until lifting your upper body or lower body is exhausting (this is called lifting to failure).

Come back the next day and tell me if you can feel the difference!

Pro Tips: Keep your abs tight and your face forward. Watching yourself in the mirror can be helpful at first but try not to allow it to be a crutch and lead to incorrect posture.

Don’t let your knees go past your toes when doing squats; stop immediately if you ever feel pulling or pain.

Safety is paramount, and the last thing you want to do is injure yourself because that will derail your fitness goals.

Photo Credit: Beach Body

P90X: Equipment You Need

For these workouts, you need a pull-up bar, resistance bands, light weights, a living room, and a DVD player (if you go old school).

I bought my pull-up bar from Iron Gym, and it worked well (be prepared to repaint your doorframe).

Beachbody recommends the Bowflex Selectech Dumbbells, which allow you a full range of weights in limited space. I would LOVE to have these to try, but I will have to save up some Christmas and birthday presents to get these (if you’ve tried them, please let me know what you think).

Update: I finally got the Bowflex Selecttech Dumbells! Check out my post to see what I think of them.

P90X Equipment Recommendations: 

  • P90X DVD Workout Base Kit
  • Dumbells
  • Light Weight Resistance Bands
  • Pull-up / Chin-up Bar
  • Push-Up Stands
  • Yoga Mat
  • Heart Rate Monitor

p90x Calendar
Photo Credit: Beach Body

PX90 Reviews: The Cardio Workouts

As for the cardio workouts, they’re challenging but fun.

Plyometrics workouts are pretty tough, Kenpo X is fun, and yoga is long but good.

Cardio X is way too easy for my fitness level, so I use it for off days. Core, on the other hand, is super rigid, and I am freaking LOVE the calorie burn.

The different workouts are to be alternated through and yoga is meant to be every week.

Tony Horton is less annoying (though entertaining) in the cardio workouts. Still, it’s worth it to endure for the entertainment value of repeating his ridiculous comments to others and because he will ease you to your maximum heart rate.

As I’ve said before, this is a 90-day workout program, and I recommend only doing it for 90 days and giving it a good long break. The high-intensity workout can be taxing, and allowing the body to recover is just as important as the actual workout.

P90X promotes motivation and entertainment and allows your body to be challenged by various training methods.

P90X does supply a good number of workouts, so you can mix and match for diverse training, but (at least for me) I get used to the exercises and don’t push myself nearly as hard; plus, I get bored and need something to spice it up.

P90X Nutrition
Photo Credit: Beach Body

PX90 Reviews: The Diet

You already know what we are going to say! Ditch the P90X nutrition plan, and get your butt on keto! This site is called Keto Size Me for a reason!

We love the keto diet, which pairs well with all workout programs for weight loss. We will still love you if you use the P90X nutrition guide, but we hope you’ll still come here for our fabulous recipes.

Remember, sugar is not your friend. Why devote yourself to a great workout program only to sabotage your body with sugar and carbs?

When you’re running on ketones, your body constantly burns body fat.

The keto diet paired with P90X creates a fat-burning monster that can’t be stopped. So do your body a favor and feed it the fuel it needs!

Even if you don’t want to try our favorite dieting method, remember that with any home fitness program, you will see the best results from the kitchen. No, you don’t need to work out in the kitchen! Make sure to pack as much nutrition as possible into the fewest calories!

Check out this P90X Meal – Island Pork Tenderloin Salad Recipe from Put Yourself First!

What does that mean? Each meal should include a healthy balance of foods that support your health and nutrition goals. If you’d like to learn more, ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician for a personalized meal plan to help you reach your goals.

Want to try it for yourself? Get P90X here.

Looking for more fitness reviews? Check out my P90X Plus Review.

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