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Keto Size Me Hiatus

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As you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting much lately.

While my life is pretty busy, that never stopped me from sharing recipes and articles with you.

I haven’t abandoned you, but I have taken some much-needed time off to research.

I feel like it is my responsibility to provide you with quality information and recipes.

The last thing I want to do is provide you with information or recipes that won’t help you reach your goals.

When my family joined me on keto, it changed everything.

I went from having to feed myself (and I can and will eat anything, I don’t care) to feeding a picky husband and four children under 12.

Choosing to live the keto lifestyle as an adult is one thing, but choosing it for my children, well let’s say I decided it was time to start reading again.

I love everything about the body.

The science behind what happens in our bodies fascinates me, and I decided that I needed to take some time to do more research.

I want to ensure that every recipe I share here gives you the best shot at weight loss and recovering from or preventing any metabolic disease you may have.

Here’s the thing… I’m healthy. I’m not overweight.

I don’t have diabetes or any other metabolic disease (that I know of).

I do have symptoms like fatigue, migraines, muscle pain, chronic sinusitis, and other things most of us brush off as normal and what I have found is that the way I have been approaching keto has helped me keep weight off. Still, it has not cleared up many of these issues (which I do believe are related to my nutrition).

I’m the type of person that can skip meals, eat pepperoni, and anything else I don’t have to cook every single day.

Seriously, I don’t miss the foods I used to eat, but the way I am eating now is not healthy.

I don’t have a balanced diet because my only goals were to stay under 20g of carbs and get fat.

I didn’t care about anything else, but now I do.

I have come to realize that eating like this has not been good for me, and more importantly, it is not a lifestyle my children can or should sustain.

We have been missing out on some serious micronutrients.

While I’m not saying this is how you are living, I do believe many hardcore keto’ers like myself need to learn more about food and nutrition, so we make sure our bodies aren’t begging us for essential nutrients (like magnesium).

Don’t get scared!

I’m not going anywhere, and there is nothing I have written here that I don’t believe to be true, but it’s time to stop trying to turn every food into keto food and start eating the foods our bodies are begging us for.

As I start implementing these changes, I will be sharing our experiences and our favorite recipes.

For now, the only thing I’ve changed is getting rid of Stevia in the raw and replacing it with liquid Stevia and cutting down on coffee.

I can drink about 6 cups daily, so I have to do something about my caffeine addiction because it’s not doing me any favors!

I will share more about these choices soon.

Until then, educate yourself!

I will probably write up a full review of each of these so you know what to expect, but if you love reading, go ahead and grab them, they are worth every penny!

 You can’t start making lasting changes until you truly understand why you need to make the changes in the first place!

UPDATE: I’m back, and you can see some of the changes I’ve been making to our diet. We are feeling better than ever, and we are STILL IN KETOSIS!

Don’t let the critics fool you! You can stay in ketosis and eat veggies. We eat veggies galore!

We even eat carrots!


I plan to talk more about this soon, but until then, enjoy these posts:


Thursday 4th of August 2016

I just found this blog today and I started keto last week. I look forward to following your updates.

My husband and I had already given up starchy carbs and sugars. It is difficult for me to think of fresh veggies, especially, as something to severely limit! And fruit - I know it has lots of sugar - but in moderation, surely! My a1c came back pre diabetic so I started looking into this. For me, I need to lose weight and carefully watch my blood glucose. Otherwise, I wouldn't consider this type of diet! At this point I consider it a "medicinal" diet. Lol. We never ate much junk food so this makes it harder. Only ~20 carbs translates to 2cups of raw salad greens and ~ 1 cup of cooked veggies per day. (Half of that cup is always a cruciferous veggy.) That leaves only about 6 for "incidentals" - the carb in cheese or avocado or salsa and the bit of onion in a sauce. 20 or less grams of protein per meal is not much, either! The way to not starve your body is to add fat to everything! Isn't that what I have spent my adult life learning not to do or want?!!! Nutrition is important! I would also be doing a lot of research if feeding children this way!


Wednesday 20th of July 2016

Hi!! I am curious about the changes you've made. I've kind of stalled a bit. I am running more so I am wondering if that has something to do with it. I am trying to up my water more. I feel like I am to the point where I am fighting my body again. Like my body does not want to let go of the fat again.


Saturday 7th of May 2016

Thanks for your reply and many of us are awaiting your new success. Thank you for sharing with us.



Thursday 5th of May 2016

I Love to read you. I've been doing keto since january and I to are aléas tired and have reached a plateau,can't wait to see what you have to say.

Susan Beck

Thursday 5th of May 2016

I am so glad that I read this as I too feel this way. Thank you for sharing your journey, so excited to hear more! ! I am concerned about my cholesterol as, well. I go for my check up soon so we'll see....take care ladies and stay in touch Susan