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Keto Diet Week 3: My Keto Diet Journey

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Keto Diet Week 3 Experience - My third week of keto. Side effects, menu plan, weight loss, and more.

Guess what? Keto Diet Week 3 results are in! Yeah, baby!

As I mentioned in my week two post, I thought I had experienced ketosis (if I was, it was minimal), but after week 3, I better understood what it felt like.

During week 3, I started to feel fatigued, and if I allowed myself to go too long without eating, I began to feel sick.

I also got the lovely ketosis breath.

To be honest, I was pretty excited. I brush my teeth 5-6 times a day now, but I am happy to be “in the zone finally.”

While I had no trouble keeping my carb intake under 20 grams every day since starting, my big struggle was fat.

I couldn’t figure out how to get enough fat into my diet. As you will see, I finally got the hang of it around the middle of the week.

For the first time, I finally met my daily fat requirements, which felt great.

I knew if I didn’t get enough fat, I would lose my muscles first, so I did not want to go down that road.

Oh, and I also noticed that I didn’t get lightheaded when I met my fat goals anymore (so that’s a plus).

Keto Diet Week 3: 

Getting enough fat each day takes creativity, but you’ll be all set once you start getting the hang of the keto diet methods.

If you need help with fats, check out my favorite High Fat Recipes for ideas!

After going through week 3, my biggest takeaway is to eat on a schedule. I allowed myself to go too long without eating most days, which is why I felt so tired.

On Sunday, I ate as soon as I was hungry and felt much better. I plan to start week four with a new eating plan.

My first meal is at 8 am; at noon, I have lunch, a snack at 4 pm, and again around 6:30 pm. Once my body gets on a schedule, I will have more energy. I will let you know how that works for me.

Keto Diet Week 3: Menu 

My week starts on Monday, so I also weigh in every Monday. On Monday, I started my week at 113

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Keto- Diet-Week-3-Monday

Carbs: 7g  / Fat: 83g   / Protein: 36g 



Carbs: 15g  / Fat: 45g   / Protein:  37g



Carbs: 15g  / Fat: 75g   / Protein:  37g 



Carbs: 8g  / Fat: 93g   / Protein:  49g 



Carbs: 12g  / Fat: 98g   / Protein:  48g 



Carbs:14g  / Fat: 96g   / Protein: 28g 



Carbs: 14g  / Fat: 92g   / Protein:  54g 

As you can see, around Thursday of week 3, it was like a light bulb went off, and I finally started getting it right!

Keto Diet Week 3: Results 

So let’s sum this week up with stats!

Starting Weight: 113  — Ending Weight: 110.4  — Weight Lost: 2.6

Starting Body Fat: 18%  — Ending Body Fat: 18%  — Body Fat Lost: 0

Measurements: (For time’s sake, I will only share losses, anything that stays the same will be shared when it changes)

Body Part / Starting /Ending / Loss

Waist:  25 /  24 1/4 / 3/4 inches 

Hips:  33.5 / 32.5  / 1 inch

Arms:  9.5 / 9 1/4  / 1/4 inch

Thigh:  19 / 18.5  / 1/2 inch

Losses I didn’t have last week: 

Calves: 14 / 13.5 / 1/2 inch 

Knees: 14 / 13.5 / 1/2 inch

Butt: 34.5 / 34 / 1/2 inch

Chest: 35 / 34 / 1 inch

Summary: After three weeks of changing my diet, I lost  2.6 lbs and 4 inches!

Running Total Lost To Date:

Weight: 10.6 lbs lost

Body Fat: 2% lost

Inches: 7 Inches lost

* Remember, I plan to add exercise starting in week 5.

I wanted to wait one month to see what the diet alone could do.

My goals will also change once I add exercise, so watch for that.

You can read my weekly updates to learn more about the changes I’ve made and the results I’ve experienced.

Weekly Experiences:

Start Here: Deciding To Live The Ketogenic Lifestyle  (Starting Weight 121)
Check It Out: Keto Diet Week 1  4.8lbs Lost (mostly water weight) – End Weight 116.2
Then Read: Keto Diet Week 2 3.2 lbs Lost (Fat) – End Weight 113 & 3 inches down

~ This post contains affiliate links to help you find the products we use. 

Michelle Santos

Sunday 13th of June 2021

I work 3-5 nights a week 12 hour shift. I find it hard to balance keto. What would you suggest? I tend to wake up from sleep and snack basically carbs


Tuesday 8th of May 2018

How tall are you with the weight at 110?


Friday 18th of May 2018

I'm 5'4 but now weight 126. I have gained a nice amount of muscle. Of course, everyone has different goals but mine is to pack muscle!


Sunday 13th of March 2016

Cant see wk 4 or 5, would love too view those weeks, seeing that your web site is helping me alot. Thanks


Monday 26th of October 2015

Hey! I love your blog! I was just looking at your week 2 and 3 menus and noticed you barely hit 1,000 cals most days...some days were in the 600s. What are your thoughts on that. Shouldn't you at LEAST be at 1,200 and more of your working out??


Monday 26th of October 2015

Hey, Holly! Thank you so much. During the first five weeks, I wasn't working out at all. I struggled at the beginning with figuring out my meals and how to meet my macros, but honestly I don't care about calories at all. As long as I'm getting the fat and protein I need and keeping myself in ketosis calories are the last thing on my mind. We are told that we shouldn't go below 1200 calories a day, but I found that with the right amount of fat and protein I was just never hungry (and still lost weight). I usually had to make myself eat. Now that I have adapted to this lifestyle I usually eat 1400 - 1500 calories a day (mostly because I'm cooking three meals a day). I did get to the point where my weight loss slowed down, so I upped my fat intake, which naturally raised my calorie level, and I started losing again. I hope this helps!